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Saturday, June 30, 2012

The Global Market Place of International Professional Marketing

Globalization of Markets and Competition through International Professional Marketing

International professional marketing is the byproduct of the global acceptance of international trade which makes the globe one huge market. Global trade continues to grow in scale due to several reasons. One of the biggest fuels of globalization is technological advancement. Improved communication and transportation has made trade more practical than ever. Access to the very best products from all around the globe now has almost no limits. The rapidly changing technology has also forged strict competition between firms as to which is fastest in developing and producing the newest in technology.

Countries in the past decades have all taken several steps t promote global trade through various trade agreements such as the General Treaty on Trade and Tariffs, and trade organizations such as the World Trade Organization (WTO), North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), and the European Union (EU) as a means of accommodating the realities of an economy gearing towards one global market.

Stages in the International Involvement of a Firm based on International Professional Marketing

A firm may go through several stages before it becomes fully able to compete across local boarders and into the international scene. A business generally starts as a purely domestic firm, focusing full attention on its home market and has no current plans of offshore expansion and does not consider any material threats from abroad. Such firm may eventually receive orders from abroad. Such orders may be seen under two different lights. First, the firm may see them as a hustle especially in the case of small orders because of the great deal of effort and expenses required in relation to the very modest related revenue. Second, the firm may see them as new opportunities, realizing that potential to expand and enter the foreign markets exists.

The firm that possesses the second view will eventually begin to export more and more. It soon fully enters the export stage where little effort is made to market the product overseas, although the number of offshore orders continues to increase.

The firm may then opt to enter more countries sequentially, with the aim of establishing a network of markets over a geographical group of countries. The firm can begin with the country from which the most overseas orders come and start developing the products popularity there. Little learning and marketing efforts are going to be shared among countries and the firm will likely have branch offices or subsidiaries focused only on the market of the country in which they are located.

The firm upon reaching the multinational stage will then engage in standardization across a certain region such as Central America, West Africa, or Northern Europe to make its activities and processes simpler and easier. Developing a standa rd marketing mix that will work for a certain group of countries is likely to generate more revenues through greatly decreased costs. Such marketing mix can be made possible with international professional marketing.

The firm upon multinational success will eventually reach the global stage wherein all focus centers on the entire World Market. Decisions will be made with the aim of optimizing the products position across the global market as a whole. The home country as the center of the product completely becomes a thing of the past. An example of a truly global company that makes use of international professional company is Coca Cola.

These stages demonstrate the growth from a fully local point of operations to a completely global scale. The journey is not easy and companies may fall in between these stages, get stuck in one stage or even fall back to one of the stages it has already passed. Certain parts of the firm may possess the characteristics of differe nt stages such as the pickup truck division of an auto-manufacturer may be largely domestically focused, while the passenger car division is globally focused. A global focus is generally fitting for large companies, but such may not be the case for smaller companies as some hindrances may prove to be too big to conquer. For example, manufacturers of ice cubes may do well as domestic, or even locally centered, firms.

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International Trade

First of all, speaking on this topic, I'd like to define what international trade is. Well, I feel it like an exchange of goods and services, results of mental activity and labour force between different countries. The aim of international trade is to use division of labour more efficient with surplus.

Let me remind you, that international trade has a long history and a lot of different theories. If I am not mistaken, first theories of IT appeared centuries ago and many of them are still in use. First and foremost, let me tell you about Economist Cannath Boulduin, that has used the term "cowboy capitalism" to describe the American economy of yesterday. He compared yesterday capitalism to the early American West. The land was so reach and the resource was so wast that the people could abuse the environment with impunity. They could cut down trees, kill buggelo and plug the grass land.

But Boulduin's "cowboy" is now gone. The cowboy capitalis m can't operate successfully without the wast world unkept market.

Another term to describe our world became popular in the 60's. We are on "Space ship earth", "Global village" according to Marshall McLuhan. That was him, who said that all persons are part of one surviving system, hurtling through space together. So the business people of the international global village must recognize that the time of cowboy capitalism is over. The abuse of any part of the world environment must be seen as hazardous to the progress of all our fellow travelers on space ship earth.

Nowadays there are 5 main forms of international business:

International trade in commodities and services between different countries currency transactions is an activity related with moving of the money and its substitutes. employing foreign assets This form of business includes licenses, patterns, know-how and so on. foreign investments . The foreign investing activity is the process of transmission of the capital of one country to another in order to get the profit. Investments are divided into direct and portfolio. � Assets and securities. International services are activity having no material form but bringing benefit. It includes transportation, tourism, engineering, insurance, banking, consulting and so on.

International trading balance is reflected in the below balances. Balance of trade, or other words visible balance, reflects trade in goods. Trade in services (banking, tourism, insurance and so on) is reflected in invisible balance. There is also the balance of trade that is the difference between what a country receives and pays for its exports and imports of goods. And the difference between a country's total earnings from exports and its total expenditure on imports. And the present situation of the exports and imports on a particu lar date is called current balance. A country has a favorable balance of trade when it exports more than it imports. But when a country starts spending too much money on nontrade activities its favorable balance of trade can turn into an unfavorable balance of payments.

Adding to all what I've mentioned I would say that there are 2 theories of international trade. Nations may have an absolute or a comparative advantage in producing goods and services because of factors of production (notably raw materials), climates, division of labour, economies of scale, and so forth. The theory of absolute advantages belongs to Adam Smiths. Smiths thought that the development of international trade began when countries have different absolute costs on production of goods. So a country imports the goods for which in other countries the costs are cheaper.

The farther of the second theory is David Ricardo who also as Smiths supported the idea of free trade. He thought that for the development of international trade it is enough for countries to have just comparative advantages. The majority of economists believe in the comparative cost principle, which proposes that all nations will raise their li ving standards and real income if they specialize in the production of those goods and services in which they have the highest relative productivity.

Next thing I feel like speaking about is world international trade organizations. In this context I can't but remember The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), an international organization set up in 1947, had the objectives of encouraging international trade, of making tariffs the only form of protectionism, and reducing these as much as possible. It took nearly 50 years to arrive at the final GATT agreement because until the 1980s, most developing countries opposed free trade. Also the regulation of international trade is realized by some other W7orld International Trade Organizations, such as the European Union, the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), signed in the early 1990s, and some others.

So here we can speak about the interference in international trade. And there are 6 categories of b arriers in economics:

Price based constrains. They are tariffs and subsidies. Tariffs are taxes charged on imports. Subsidies are offered to some domestic companies for similar reasoning as tariffs. Domestic companies are aided directly through low cost loans and tax breaks. Quantity limits - quotas and embargo. Quotas are quantitative limits on the import of particular products or commodities. And embargo is a particular type of quota that sets the limit at zero imports often is placed on imports for clear political reasons. It's prohibitional on trading within countries generally in some particular goods. Cartel is an organization of independent companies, producing the similar goods, which make the agreement in order to increase prices and to limit the output. There are such bright examples of cartels as Organization of Petroleum Exporting Cartel, the International Sugar Agreement and so on. NTB means other non-tariff barriers, which include the wide variety of barriers ranging from bureaucratic delays to quality limits. These barriers also include so-called safety norms and the deliberate creation of customs difficulties. Financial limits and limits of foreign direct investments belong to the barriers of international trade.

All these tariffs governments suppose to be essential in order to protect what they see as strategic industries - notably agriculture, or some infant industries - without which the country would be in danger if there was a war, as well as other jobs. Abandoning all sectors in which a country does not have a comparative advantage is likely to lead to structural unemployment in the short (and sometimes medium and long) term. Other reasons for imposing tariffs:

to make imports more expensive than home-produced substitutes, and thereby reduce a balance of payments deficit; as a protection agains t dumping (the selling of goods abroad at below cost price in order to destroy or weaken competitors or to earn foreign currency to pay for necessary imports);

� to retaliate against restrictions imposed by other countries;

to protect 'infant industries' until the are large enough to achieve economies of scale and strong enough to compete internationally.

Foreign economic restructuring has effected the development of foreign trade, the banking system and the role of Russian enterprises in the economy. The main point of the foreign trade reform are:

enterprises now have a right to conduct international trade; industrial enterprises are allowed to maintain hard currency bank accounts; great emphasis is made on export and import world marketing technique; inward investment by means of joint ventures is encouraged.

One of the most serious problems facing Russian economy is not convertibility of the ruble, which is a serious handicap in relations within trade counter-parts. The economic reform sets a task to make ruble convertible.

Globalization is the world expansion of economic links between countries and integration of economies of different countries to each other. On the contrary there is localization. Its supporters think that globalization leads to losing by countries their own culture and they are against the opening of borders. So as the result of opposition of these two tendencies globalization and localization one more term appeared, which is called glocalization. The main idea of these term is saving culture, traditions, national character of a country at the same time opening its borders for foreign trade with other countries.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Historic shifts are underway on the New Silk Road where East meets West creating alternative investment opportunities

You probably have heard of NAFTA (North America Free Trade Association), OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countires), the EU (European Union) and the BRIC (Brazil Russia India China) countries � but have you heard about MENA?

Ok, you ask � what is it and why should I care?

When conventional wisdom is not working any more, we need alternative investment strategies and you should give consideration to a very important region that collectively has a bigger economy than Brazil, Russia, and India � 3 out of the 4 BRIC countries. And, in terms of growth, this region is growing faster than any of these countries.

Population wise, this region is bigger than the USA and is approximately equal in population to the EU. In addition, this region has an exploding population (which is good from an engine of growth perspective � reference a key theme in recent presentation from Stuart Varney of Fox News at WizeFEST 2009, a conference this author recently atte nded).

This region is in the center of a part of the world along the old Silk Road � where we think of a network of traders with caravans loaded with silk, spices, flowers, jewelry, and gold � and trading routes with the romance of the Indian Ocean. From Perth, Australia to Mombassa, Kenya along the coast of East Africa with passages up and down the Persian Gulf and the Red Sea.

There is a political thaw underway in a country in this region that has been the mercantile crossroads between East and West since its days as a link on the old Silk Road.

Examples of this thaw are that the US is sending an ambassador to this country after a four-year absence and the US is easing export bans to this country.

The region is called MENA or the Middle East and North Africa. Among its largest economies are Saudi Arabia (where this author had a home base for two years) and the United Arab Emirates (which includes the go-go city of Dubai). As a result, MENA holds 60% of the world's proven oil reserves and nearly half of its natural gas.

Much has changed in this region over the years and its reach has expanded such that The New Silk Road weaves through Damascus, Riyadh, Dubai, Mumbai, Chennai, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, and Hong Kong. Along The New Silk Road, key alternative growth strategies include the scarcity of water and food, infrastructure needs, energy (in terms of drilling, pumping, and distribution) and engineering services � and finally, it offers growth not dependent on US trade (which is expected to be quite anemic).

In 2000, China's exports to the Arab world came to just $6B. Last year, China's exports to the Arab world ($48B) nearly matched America's exports to the Arab world ($50B). Earlier this year, China finally passed the USA to become the Arab world's largest trading partner � highlighting how a rising Arab world is turning away from the West and Rediscovering China.

Syria is the country mentioned previously that has a political thaw underway and is the mercantile crossroads of the East and West on the old Silk Road.

The largest investor in Syria is the Chinese company, Haier, that makes washing machines and microwave ovens in the country. Another Chinese company recently completed a $180M hydroelectric plant. On the drawing board, there are big real estate projects, including resorts on the Syrian Mediterranean coast. They are 48,000 hotel beds coming online over the next three years and this will almost double the amount of beds currently available. Tourism is u p significantly in this country and currently accounts for 13% of the economy.

The region benefits from expanded trade with China and the rest of the Asian countries that are in pursuit of the region's oil.

The most interesting thing about this growth is that it is happening in a part of the world where water is scarce and it is most difficult to grow food. In Kuwait, one of the countries in the region, annual water consumption is 22 times the rainfall. Counties in the region import 60% of their food and are phasing out crop production in order to conserve water.

Ironically, many of the countries in the MENA block are investing in farmland overseas with major purchases of farmland in Indonesia, the Sudan, and Pakistan.

One of the key takeaways is that alternative investment opportunities in a growth region like MENA include food and water necessary to feed and meet the thirst of all these people as well as the energy, infrastructure, and engineeri ng services to drill, pump, and distribute oil and natural gas.

Your author lived and worked in the region early in his career and was always impressed with the upside potential in the region once political barriers could be overcome.

In addition, a recent edition of The Economist had a cover story on the Arab world titled "Waking from its sleep" with a 14-page special report containing a collection of articles. Key points in these articles indicate that there has been two decades of political stagnation but there is a fever under the surface for change.

In the Arab world, its people are starting to speak out, to strike, and to take to the streets in pursuit of their demands. As more women are educated and as more business people want a say in the state-run economies, the old pattern of the Arab governments that are corrupt, opaque, and authoritarian, are changing.

The democratic and capitalistic movements underway include education, tolerance, an d independent institutions such as judiciary and free press.

Once the last failed dictatorship is voted out, the quiet revolution will be complete and the tremendous upside potential from trade will grow the region even faster under the more liberalized economic governments.

I trust this article has introduced you to an emerging economic region � a crossroads where East meets West on The New Silk Road � and the various alternative wealth creating opportunities associated with water, food, infrastructure, energy, and engineering services related to oil and natural gas.

I will continue to monitor developments in the MENA region and report on alternative wealth creating strategies in future articles and updates at my blog which is at

St?ck Exchange (GSE) has a NASD visi?n f?r Eur?pe

The NASD has acquired the dweller Stock Exchange (AMEX) and the Philadelphia Stock Exchange. They are disagreeable to acquire the remaining Regional dweller Stock Exchanges. They intend to allow the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSE) in their vision.

The NASD module delude the Over-the-Counter Bulletin Board (OTCBB) in The incoming five years. The reason is the NASD's reputation is at venture from unethical OTCBB trading. And the OTCBB, like the Western river Stock Exchanges module face growing competition from Cyberspace.

They are considering attractive the NYSE Public to improve money to compete with the NASD in Cyberspace. I suspect they module be competitive bidders for the remaining dweller regional Stock Exchanges and the TSE. The NYSE sales movement module stress status.

I doubt the integration of the Vancouver, Alberta and Winnipeg Stock Exchanges module work. Along with the river Dealers Network in Ontario, Canada's venture capital markets module be history within the incoming note years. Also, I suspect that the Montreal Stock Exchange module disappear by 2020. The reasons for unfortunate involve the quality of these markets combined With increased competition from Cyberspace.

The city (German) Stock Exchange (GSE) has a NASD vision for Europe. It sees the International (London) Stock Exchange (ISE) as the traditional market in the 21st Century. The Germans intend to consolidate Everything else. The German Stock Exchange's problem is overcoming national sensibilities in Europe.

The end mettlesome for the NASD and GSE would be the integration of their Networks around 2015. They would yield the NYSE and ISE as backwater "Traditional markets." It module take at least an additional ten eld for The NASD and GSE to merge. If it happens, it module occur after 2020.

Recent history suggests that the continent markets module move to Consolidate. The North Americans Followed with NAFTA. The dweller and European Stock Market integration module force continent Stock Markets to consolidate. The disorderly card in the 21st Century Stock Market Cartel organisation is the Net. Several eld ago, Wit Capital failed to create an online Stock Market In the United States. However, the U. S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is being forced to allow Net Stock Exchanges. At present, there are Two LEGAL Net Stock Exchanges. One serves small capital investors. The Other serves "after-hours" institutional traders.

Today, there are at least note dweller Net Stock Exchanges trading without the blessing of the SEC. The American Prohibition Era exemplifies the SEC's problem. They can't stop unlicensed Net Stock Exchanges, so they'll move to regulate them.

The SEC is in a difficulty about regulating the Internet. The rest of The World is unlikely to try. Like online gambling, local Net Stock Exchanges create jobs in places that never heard of Wall Street.

As the established stock markets consolidate, the Net module see a Proliferation of Net Stock Exchange. The hundreds of these Stock ExchangesWill separate the venture capital market.

It's instance to allow a computer-literate generation to have the disposable Capital necessary to take the dreams of the incoming generation of speculators. It module happen by 2010.

As the established Stock Markets consolidate and the venture capital Markets separate on the net, nobody is looking for the Bear. We are in the Midst of the greatest Bull Market in History. It's instance to go public. It's Time to build your company. It's instance to delude your company at Market Capitalization. Then, it module be instance to adopt a capital protection mode. It module probably arrive between 2010-2015. When it arrives, it module herald the worst Depression since the Beginning of the Technological Revolution. The NASD & Germans module survey their empire as the Bear steps upon them.

Mexico offers more financing options for non-Mexican buyers ? Part 1

While in most cases, foreigners Mexico Real Estate in cash, or by mortgaging a property or an asset in back home, a growing number of foreign buyers are using financing options found in Mexico itself. This trend has been on the rise, and various financing options are being newly explored. Two of the options receiving the most attention are financing from institutions and seller financing. Both of these options have clear benefits to offer, and with the right advice and information, a non-Mexican buyer can take full advantage of these benefits.

The history of home financing in Mexico

Institutional financing for purchasing Mexico Real Estate is a relatively new phenomenon. Over five years ago, financing for the purchase of Mexico real estate was not administered by banks or private institutions in Mexico. While foreign buyers relied on options from their home country, Mexicans did not have access to credit for the purchase of their own home and such support was usually obtained from family and friends. Thus, a large part of the population in the low and middle-low income brackets still share dwellings. Seller financing has always existed, but it used to be based solely in personal contracts and would involve fairly high risks for both buyers and sellers; for this reason it was not very common. While banks and other institutions have finally started offering mortgages for non-Mexicans, seller financing has also become a much safer and attractive option through a new bank trust process, which we will discuss in more detail below. Today, both financing options present very interesting new possibilities to non-Mexican buyers.

Mortgages for Non-Mexicans

Mortgage loans are still a new financing tool in Mexico. One of the slower outcomes of NAFTA was that banks and other institutions began to offer mortgage loans to real estate buyers. This process first started about 5 years ago. The government has been cautiously slow in releasing regulations. Bank institutions have been easing these funds into the market place little by little as well; and rightfully so, given the examples of obstacles the American markets have confronted during the past several years. Although both buyers and lenders have been warming up to the idea slowly, cases of non-Mexican buyers receiving funding from Mexican national institutions have been on the rise.

Why leverage yourself from a Mexican financial institution?

There are several convincing reasons why buyers are beginning to consider mortgages as an option for their Mexico real estate purchase. First of all, financi ng in Mexico allows buyers to use the same Mexican property that they are purchasing as the collateral for the credit, and thus they avoid tying up an asset back home. This leaves more options open for further investment there. Buyers also prefer to avoid the possibility of a cross border domino effect; they would rather have their money be corralled with the loss in the same country where they have invested, and not create or be affected by any loss back home. This benefit also applies in the case of seller financing.

In addition, buyers can receive a higher loan-to-value ratio when the same property being purchased is used as collateral. If a buyer takes a personal loan against a property already owned in the U.S., most institutions will lend 50% of the value; in contrast, Mexican institutions can lend up to 75% of the selling value when the collateral is the same property.

There are many excellent investment opportunities in the Mexico Real Estate market in 2009. The projected returns on these purchases are very high. While the interest rates and costs of Mexican mortgages are notably higher than in the U.S and Canada, the projected returns are often high enough to off-set these expenses. It is necessary for buyers to evaluate their specific situation and needs, analyzing cash flow, considering maintenance and management fees, as usual, but now also considering the monthly payments and the one-time financing fees. If a buyer is planning on a rental investment, these expenses must be compared to the occupancy rate and rental rates to determine if the expected results produce the desired or necessary return. Early in the search process, it is highly advisable to find a broker who will guide the search and purchasing process, using experience to analyze each situation and to find properties where there is a strong potential of high returns.

It is also worth noting that, while we are discussing �mortgage� as one option, bank s and mortgage companies offer various types of mortgages, including fixed interest rates or variable interest rates. Likewise, different institutions will offer different types of packages. So, within the mortgage option, there are actually several sub-options which leave more choices to suite each buyer�s situation and needs.

Continued in Part 2�

Bounce House Business - Not So Friendly Competition

Bounce House Business - Not So Friendly CompetitionYou would think that a business that delivers so much fun and good cheer every weekend would be filled with vendors that are of good nature and welcoming, but think again. The Bounce House Business is one of the most competitive markets by far, and some of the rental owners could be down right ugly. I am not speaking form observation but from first hand experience based on many of tactic's used in my local market. The funny part of it all is that I was one of the first rental operations in my area, therefore most of my harsh treatment came from guys that were all considered new comers.The purpose of this article is to inform new rental operator of a few of the tactics that they will face from competitor's within their local markets. If you are new to the party rental business are simply planning to open your own rental operation, then you need to understand that the moment your competitor spots your ad they will come after you in one form or another. Many competitors will simply shop you by calling your sales line pretending to be customers in order to check your prices and available equipment. Others will take it a step further and slander you to customers that call them searching for the best deal. All of these tactics are common and senseless, but it happens every week in every market across the country. There will always be some Bozo who is angry because you decided to take your own money, and invest in your own party rental business. Part of the reason for the unwarranted animosity is that for so long many of us in the party rental business have existed with out any real competition, or threats to our revenue. The field has only recently begun to get crowed in some areas, but with the large amount of children in any given zip code it's puzzling why some people resort to infighting. But it never seems to fail the moment you begin to really promote your business, the Bozo's of the world ta rget you as the enemy.I also discovered recently that it's not only the local rental markets that are now engaging in cannibalism, if you are on the manufacturing side of the business the competition could be even more vicious. I recently posted a few Craigslist ads in order to promote our new product line only to discover that one of my competitors' was logging on to Craigslist and Flagging every ad we posted. My web guy help me track down the culprit and we were able to make our future post invisible to him, but it was still an unnecessary headache to deal with. This same vendor even posted a page on his website attacking me for outsourcing my manufacturing to over sea's companies. Long before NAFTA, companies have outsourced their manufacturing in order to remain competitive in their markets. This is the reason over half of the products in your home right now are made in China. So as you set out on this journey just know that everyone you meet along the way is not a frien d, and half of them are actually pretty upset to see you on the same road. My advise to you is simple, be the best you, you can be; and the rest will work itself out. Do not get into verbal fights with jealous competitors', it will only result in negative energy which will interfere with your creativity. Instead of going on the attack, make sure you are a tough act to follow. What I mean by this is once you get the reservation make sure that you do everything to separate yourself from the competition. If you ever come under attack from one of your competitors, I then in turn want you to embrace the following strategies.Continue to re-invent your self, but stick with your signature services.Keep your competitor guessing what your next move is going to be.Spend your mental energy on creating rather than contemplating.The more your attacked, the more you saturate your brand.The party rental business is truly the best business in the world and this is the reason some vendors are so territorial. Please do not take the bait, I want you to remain focused on your business at all times. While your competitor is up at night planning their next attack or smear, I want you to focus on your next cotton candy promotion. Once I came under attack I never responded in the way my competitor wanted me to, I simply focused on the release of my new product line which landed us two new Franchise Partners. Stay positive, stay productive, and stick to your promotions.If you would like more information on the surviving the party rental business then I invite you to visit our website & free training blog at Jacques - Bouncer Boss

Bounce House Business ? Not So Friendly Competition

Bounce House Business � Not so Friendly Competition

You would think that a business that delivers so much fun and good cheer every weekend would be filled with vendors that are of good nature and welcoming, but think again. The Bounce House Business is one of the most competitivemarkets by far, and some of the rentalowners could be down right ugly. I am not speaking form observation but from first hand experiencebased on many oftactic�s usedin my local market. The funny part of it all is thatI was one of the first rental operations in my area, therefore most of my harsh treatment came from guys that were all considered new comers.

The purpose of this article is to inform new rental operator of a few of the tactics that they will face from competitor�s within their local markets. If you are new to the party rental business are simplyplanning to open your own rentaloperation, then you need tounderstand that the moment your competitor spots your ad they will com e after you in one form or another. Many competitorswill simply shop you by calling your sales line pretending to be customers in order to check your prices and available equipment. Others will take it a step further and slander you to customers that call them searching for the best deal. All of these tactics are common and senseless, but it happens every week in every market across the country. There will always be some Bozowho is angry because you decided to take your own money, and invest in your own party rental business. Part of the reason for the unwarranted animosity is thatfor so long many of us in the party rental business have existed with out any real competition, or threats to our revenue.

The field hasonly recentlybegun to get crowed in some areas, but with the largeamount of children in any given zip code it�s puzzling why some people resort to infighting. But it never seems to fail the moment you begin to really promote your business, the Bozo�s of the world target you as the enemy. I also discovered recently that it�snot only the local rental markets that are nowengaging incannibalism, if you are on the manufacturing side of the business the competition could be even more vicious. I recently posted a few Craigslist ads in order to promote our new product line only to discover that one of my competitors� was logging on to Craigslist and Flagging every ad we posted. My web guy help me track down the culprit and we were able to make our future post invisible to him, but it was still an unnecessary headache to deal with. This same vendor even posted a page on his website attacking me foroutsourcing my manufacturing to over sea�s companies.

Long before NAFTA, companies have outsourced their manufacturing in order to remain competitive in their markets. This is the reason over half of the products in your home right now are made in China. So as you set out on this journey just know that everyone you meet along the way is not a friend, and half of them are actually pretty upset to see you on the same road. My advise to you is simple, be the best you, you can be; and the rest will work itself out. Do not get into verbal fights with jealous competitors�, it will only result in negative energy which will interfere with your creativity. Instead of going on the attack, make sure you are a tough act to follow. What I mean by this is once you get the reservation make sure that you do everything to separate yourself from the competition. If you ever come under attack from one of your competitors,I then in turnwant you to embrace the following strategies.

Continue to re-invent your self, but stick with your signature services. K eep your competitor guessing what your next moveis going tobe. Spend your mental energy on creating rather than contemplating. The more your attacked, the more you saturate your brand.

The party rental business is truly the best business in the world and this is the reason some vendors are so territorial.Please do not take the bait,I want you to remainfocusedon your business at all times. While your competitor is up at night planning their next attack or smear, I want you to focus on your next cotton candy promotion. Once I came under attack I never responded in the way my competitor wanted me to, I simply focused on the release ofmy new product line which landed us two new Franchise Partners. Stay positive, stay productive, and stick to your promotions. If you would like more information on the surviving the party rental business then I invite you to visit our website & free training blog at Tyronne Jacques � Bouncer Boss

Globaloney Warming agreements are illegal

Outside of the socialist-Continental paradise of Europe, the rest of the world is still largely run by realists managing a collectivity known as a state. The nation state embodies for good or ill, the will of a population. The benefits of the nation state are clear including one important factor. Outside of trade agreements, military pacts, and diplomatic regimes, national laws, constitutions and domestic agreements always triumph over the international. Always. And such a claim is usually embedded in the Constitutions of the nation state. So it goes for Globaloney Warming. The entire concept of ceding sovereignty to the UN, without a democratic referendum is utterly illegal.

Trans-nationalism or Globalism is a movement of the Left. It is Marxist, Communalist and designed to neuter domestic laws and Constitutions. The UN is the usual vehicle of such aspirations. Various UN agencies from the Human Rights Commission, to the IPCC or Climate Change Committee, to the evi lly named 'Center for Reproductive Law and Policy' (CRLP which advocates state paid abortion) abound. In fact CRLP has tried to sue the US into funding unfettered, state paid abortion [thrown out in a New York court] � due to its claim that such an ideal was 'international law'. These UN groups are always looking for more power. Hence the IPCC's moronic claim that Co2 causes 'warming'. Is there a better way to control nation states than to declare a natural chemical a toxin and have the UN 'solve the problem'?

It does not take a Harvard Law degree or the brilliance of a mind like that of the Black Jesus, to see 'international law' for what it is � a game, a gimmick by socialists and trans-nationalists to neuter the nation state.

Thus the ridiculous claims for example, by wailing Leftards, that Israel is in constant violation of international law by building an apartment on some desolate guano covered hillock on the 'West Bank'. There is of course no codified 'i nternational law' and certainly no internationally agreed upon set of statutes which are applied equally to Arabs and Israelis. When Hamas launches rockets into Jewish day care centers it is a clear breach of the cease-fire agreement between the two parties. As such the Israeli Defence Forces have every moral, military and legal imperative to react. International law � outside of clear and binding agreements on trade, military pacts and rules of engagement in war and diplomacy between two clear actors or states � is a fantasy. It simply does not exist.

The only laws which are international and which are binding are those between states - not those signed by states inside an international fora such as the UN. The only legal international agreements are those which are clear, codified and address a certain function � trade, military agreements, refugees, foreign aid perhaps � and which give the signing state in question the ability to withdraw, amend the agreement to conform to its constitution, or the ability to reform the agreement if and when democratic positions within that state change.

In other words international law in the abstract, cannot exist, if it denies that the legal organizing principle of all matters of legality, reside with the residents of the nation state.

The UN for example cannot go into Holland and impose its version of 'Human Rights' on the Dutch. It will however, write simpleton 'reports' which criticize the Dutch handling of say Somalian refugees; but it cannot pass a resolution orde ring for instance restitution and larger welfare paid homes for said refugees and expect the Dutch to comply. Such a UN action is by itself illegal and would transgress UN statutes.

So witness the idiocy of Globaloney Warming. Here we have little corrupt minds � most of them far left in their political orientation � meeting in Copenhagen and in the future, in other exotic locales, making up nonsense about controlling and reducing carbon and energy usage. But a basic question is never asked by the unwashed dirty peasant mass to its superiors and betters. Where is the legality and constitutionality of such a project ? Since when can a politician or a group of self-serving bureaucrats agree to UN inspired legislation which will have a deleterious impact on the local political-economy and which directly cedes sovereignty to an unaccountable and unelected body outside of any national control ?

Trade treaties for instance are always under the control of some national deliberative body and in the case of tribunals subject to national input and control. There are also well defined 'escape' clauses from agreements like NATO, NAFTA, and even the EU. The exit clause is open to national prerogative, no matter how painful.

But with Globaloney Warming there is no assurance of any of these safeguards. Kyoto and now Copenhagen are far different than existing and accountable treaties on trade or military alliances. They are not clear and precise agreements but vague and binding commitments on reducing energy usage and carbon emissions. Since there is no science and no rational for this the agreements must be viewed for what they are, namely; the domestic and international imposition of a huge panoply of energy taxes; and the ceding of national political-economy authority at least in part, to the UN.

It is clear that Globaloney Warming agreements would be illegal since they would be an imposed and undemocratic international accord, an d one which tries to nullify domestic laws and constitutions. The only way that Copenhagen could be declared even remotely legal, is if the nation state in-toto supported it, in a referendum. This referendum would need to also change national laws and perhaps even the national constitution, to allow the UN to have control over some part of the domestic political-economy. Without such a national ratification any international treaty designed to reduce carbon emissions would be illegal.

Most 'scholars' and 'academics' would of course disagree with the above. But they are part of the problem. Legal 'experts' are overwhelmingly of the Leftard persuasion. They hate for example, that the US constitution allows the Americans to ignore these meaningless treaties � most of which like Kyoto are rejected by the US Senate anyways.

But the transnationalist agenda is pretty clear. By using the UN and the fear-mongering issued by its various NGO organs on certain issues, the transnationalist hopes to effectively bring domestic laws and constitutions under the umbrella of the UN and international accords. By so doing the nation state will be rendered powerless � paving the way for a Global government which is precisely the point behind Globaloney Warming.

So we can agree on two things. First, what is going on in Copenhagen and around Globaloney Warming qua international agreements is not only immoral, but illegal. Second, the real goal of those who support the illegality of 'international law' is to reduce the nation state and in particular the ability of America, to act independently. Why any sentient, freedom loving person would be supportive of such a crass, vulgar and insipid plan is beyond comprehension. But then again, millions of dunces do believe in Globaloney Warming and there are 1.6 billion Muslims world wide supporting the moon cult of Mecca. The human is probably not as rational as we would pretend to believe.

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American Financial Budget Crisis-Find Out The Real Secret To Building The Economy

Basically the American economy is the way it is simply because we have lost so many jobs due to companies going over seas for cheap labor and more profits. That is it no other reason, it does not matter what you hear on tv of from our weak, incompetent, cowardly politicians. They are not telling you the real reason because those companies pay for their campaigns, so they are paid to keep their mouths shut, cowards. The decline of the American economy has been happening for decades, it did not happen overnight.It all started with Reagan shaking hands with the Chinese Government. I have nothing against the Chinese people just the Communist Government. Every President after that just kept the decline going. When Clinton had NAFTA signed that made things even worse, and now here we are with a weak America. When you go out shopping next time see how many clothing items are actually made here in the U.S., or anything else. You won't find much and that is the problem.There is sti ll some industry here in he US. but not enough to build the American economy. Actually some of the industry here is foreign companies building their product here, that is not the answer. Think of all the jobs that have been lost here due to companies going over seas over the past few decades. That is trillions of dollars in tax revenue lost, and that is the real reason the American economy is so weak now. It does not help when you give companies tax incentives to do business elsewhere, thanks a lot Bush. Lost jobs over decades is why we are here now in this economy, the global economy has made America weak. So what is the answer, well let's see.

My idea to build the American economy is somewhat maverick and outside the so called box and at the at the same time really simple. Renergize industry back in the country. This country was built on the industrial revolution and the only way to get it back on track is to do it again. Of course not with the massive abuse of labor laws but we need to bring back industry to America. All those companies that went over seas for cheap labor let them stay there and start new companies right here. We need to employ Americans not the rest of the world. Keep the money and profits here and help get families financially back on track.We need to take care of ourselves first before we can help others. Building industry here in America is truly the only way to get this country financially fit again. Of course our cowardly Government has been paid to keep their mouths shut by those companies that have gone overseas and Wall Street. Our Government needs to pay China back the money we owe them, cut them off and stop importing their low grade, low quality products here and make our own. Lately their low grade products have made the news. Of course with the global economy products are made everywhere except here in the U.S.In summary stop importing products and make them here. I don't mind paying a little more kn owing that the money is staying here and employing Americans and not going somewhere else. Some of the products made elsewhere are not that cheap anyways, like men's and women's shoes. Now is the perfect time for venture capitalist and starting new companies right here. The President wants to create jobs, let's create new companies first and I mean big companies to employ lots of people. This is the only way to build the American economy back up again; there is no other way. Tax breaks, tax hikes and stimulus packages will not work that is not the answer.

Customs Brokerage - Invensis

Custom brokerage has made the entire process of cross border shipping, importing and exporting seamless. It has lead to a customer driven solution and the need for specialists with versatility in the field of Customs in terms of documentation and administration. It not only makes the entire business of export and import seamless but also helps in great deal to analyze the requirements of customs clearance and final accounting.

The B3 form building services follow a couple of steps in order to make it easy for the entire process of outsourcing to happen. Invensis gets the scanned documents that are initially done by the brokerage companies and they accordingly assign the unique docket numbers which is then taken by Invensis through the server.

This helps in maintaining high accuracy in terms of data entry and the less turn around time. This in turn helps in ensuring the delivery of large volume of data entry work and also to maintain good client relationship.

Shipper forwards customs paperwork to broker for clearance and then the paperwork is scanned into DMS (Document Management system) where most of the shipping details could be found. Once this is done it is very important for us to sort it out and index the documents accordingly.

These agent need to log in and work on the dual monitors simultaneously. The documents needs to be carefully looking for the valuation remarks and any other CADEX remarks like the instructions regarding the vendor, general instructions given, P.O number, description, and quantity etc. Enough information about the NAFTA certification also is required as it helps in great deal to determine the duties on the good.

Thereafter, the Customs gets all the information regarding the taxes and the duties that have to be paid to the customs department and after which the files are sent for accounting.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Visas To The Usa

There are various types of visas to the USA for temporary visitors. The purpose of your travel will determine what type of visa to the USA is required under U.S. immigration law.

The Department of Homeland Security issues approximately 15 million visas to the USA last year totourists,students, businessmen andskilled workers. Around 3 million of them were refused because applicants did not meet the specified requirements for the type of visa for the USA they applied for. The choice is vast and applicants need to ensure the following points:

that they are applying within the correct visa category that they have completed the application form acceptably and accurately that they have submitted all of the correct supporting documents to the right authorities that they have paid the correct fee and undergone biometric tests

Check this table to find more information about the type of visa to the USA you will need for travel, and the steps required to apply for the visa at a U.S. Embassy or Consulate abroad.

Athletes, amateur & professional

Au pairs

Australian professional specialty

Border Crossing Card: Mexico

Business visitors

Diplomats and foreign government officials

Domestic employees or nanny -must be accompanying a foreign national employer

Employees of a designated international organization, and NATO

Exchange visitors

Foreign military personnel stationed in the U.S.

Foreign nationals with extraordinary ability in Sciences, Arts, Education, Business or Athletics

Free Trade Agreement (FTA) Professionals: Chile, Singapore

International cultural exchange visitors

Intra-company transferees

Medical treatment, visitors for

Media, journalists

NAFTA professional workers: Mexico, Canada

Nurses coming to health professional shortage areas

Performing athletes, artists, entertainers


Professor, scholar, teacher (exchange visitor)

Religious workers

Specialty occupations in fields requiring highly specialized knowledge

Students: academic, vocational

Temporary agricultural workers

Temporary workers performing other services or labor of a temporary or seasonal nature.

Tourism, vacation, pleasure visitors

Training in a program not primarily for employment

Treaty traders/treaty investors

Transiting the United States

Compare Shipping >> Compare Shipping Tips | Compare Shipping Guide

The Basics of Shipping Products Overseas

By Amy Nutt

The overseas marketplace can be a highly lucrative business market. Many small businesses tend to stay clear of the overseas market because they are not familiar with the shipping process. When a business acquires knowledge about shipping products overseas, they will find it is much easier to tap into a huge market.

Shipping product overseas has a number of different features then regular domestic shipping. In order to take advantage of the overseas market, one has to be to be aware of the aspects involved with shipping products overseas. The key to finding the best overseas shipment method is to do your homework. There are number of ways one can ship their products overseas such as USPS, UPS, FedEx, and companies that specialize in shipping items overseas. Because some companies are cheaper than others, it is important to compare shipping prices and how each company transports their products. You may be able to negotiate volume discounts with a shipping service for certain types of shipments.

When packaging a product for shipment, it is important that the package is packed properly in order to minimize damage. When shipping items overseas, packages pass through many hands so a well packed item will help avoid damage. The package should have the correct labeling to help avoid disruption in shipment or a lost shipment. You must also have the proper documentation that meets your country's requirements as well as the receiving country's requirements. Typical documentation includes air waybills, bill of lading, commercial invoice, consular invoice, certificate of origin, NAFTA certificate of origin, inspection certification, dock receipt and a warehouse receipt, destination control statement, and shipper's export declaration. You should also make sure that the item is insured against damage and loss. When packing the item, conceal the identity of the content and make sure the item is in compliance with environmental and safety standards.

Because of the large number of considerations and steps involved in physically shipping products overseas, most people enlist an international shipping company to perform these services. International shippers are knowledgeable about the overseas port systems, so they will know details such as packaging and the required documentation. Shipping overseas normally involves a number parties that can include shipper, consignee, (usually the client or importer representing client) notify party, (client or a third party), freight forwarder, (shipping agent coordinating the process) and the Customs broker (helps clear Customs for the imported products)

If one does not want to use a shipping company, they should prepare their shipment utilizing the following guidelines:

- Pack in strong and well-sealed containers. Label the boxes clearly.
- The weight should be uniformly distributed to provide secure bracing in the container
- Packaging should be moisture resistant.
- Do not pack any materials that are on a countries import prohibited list. This can include such items as weapons, pesticides, flammable products..etc. Each country has a list of prohibited items. Make sure that you check the list before you ship your package.

Basically, you should hire a specialized company to ship your products. Prices and services can vary from company to company. For instance, some companies may use different shipment routes. When looking for a company to send your products overseas, shop around and don't hesitate to ask a lot of questions. A little knowledge and research can open up a huge new market for your business.

source : /compare-shipping

31460259 Fair Trade v. Free Trade

Fair Trade And Free Trade:


PTA- referred to as preferential trading agreement, in this type of integration countries impose low tariffs on goods imported from member countries than the rest of the world.

FTA- referred to as free trade area, this is a zero tariff integration whereby member countries impose zero tariffs on goods imported from member countries, and however there exist transshipment rules that prevent imports being channeled via low tariff countries.

CU � referred to as common union, it is similar to an FTA but with a common external tariffs by member countries.

UTL- unitary trade liberation, this is a non discriminatory reduction in trade barriers where goods imported are imposed zero tariffs

CM-common market, in this integration there exist a free movement of factors of production e.g. Capital and labor.

Fair trade:

Fair trade is an organized social movement which promotes standards for international labor, environmentalism, and social policy in areas related to production of Fair trade labeled and unlabelled goods. The movement focuses in particular on exports from developing countries to developed countries.


Fair trade is based on the following principles

Payment of a fair price:

This principle depicts that the prices for commodities for the goods imported from developing countries should be through dialogue, this means that the price offered to these countries should cover the production costs and also should be socially just and environmentally sound.

Opportunity creation:

This principle is based on the efforts to create more opportunities for these disadvantaged countries; this is because fair trade is aimed at alleviating poverty and achieving sustainable development in the developing countries.

Environmental protection:

Fair trade encourages environmental protection whereby it advocates for better methods of production that do not degrade the environment.

Improving working conditions:

It advocates for better working conditions for the producer countries where working conditions should be safe and healthy to the producers.

Gender equality:

It ensures that women are properly valued and rewarded; therefore it empowers women in their productive work and ensures that they adequately rewarded.

Fair trade in the US, Europe, other countries:

Fair trade was initiated in the north markets in the 1940's by religious groups and non governmental organizations, the most common fair trade organizations include the fair trade labeling organization (FLO) which was formed in 1997, this is the largest fair trade labeling body that inspects producers in more than 50 countries in Asia, Latin America and Africa.

Fair trade therefore offers the developing countries the opportunity to experience economic development which results to poverty alleviation, promotes gender equality, campaigns for a better environment and also for better working conditions, the difference between fair trade and free trade is that free trade only involves the elimination of tariffs and quotas while fair trade has more than the elimination of tariffs.


Free trade means the elimination of all tariffs and quotas on imports, in history countries have negotiated with other countries to promote trade through the formation of organizations that offer zero tariffs to member countries, according to David Ricardo and Adam smith who advocated for free trade, trade will result to gains in both countries that exercise free trade even without the free movement of factors of production, Fair trade on the other hand is an organized social movement which promotes standards for international labor.

Fair trade offers developing countries the opportunity to develop economically and also to improve the social welfare of producers, its aim is to alleviate poverty and also to help the developing countries to have economic sustainability, free trade does not offer the advantages associated with fair trade.


Wikipedia the free encyclopedia (2007) trade and trade organizations, retrieved on 22nd April

The free trade and globalization (2007) retrieved on 22nd April

The NAFTA (2007) Canada and North America agreement, retrieved on 22nd April

Robert Heller (1973) International Trade: Theory and Empirical Evidence, Prentice-Hall publishers, US

Joseph E (2005) Fair Trade for All: How Trade Can Promote Development, Oxford University Press, Oxford

Mexico Real Estate ? Convenient Life, Excellent Investment

Whether you're looking for a great investment, or you want to relocated to a warmer climate here's a great reason to buy Mexico Real Estate; Mexico is currently one of the top countries for investing in infrastructure, both for tourism and for logistics. For you as a real estate buyer, this means that you will continue to enjoy more activities and conveniences as part of your relaxing life on the beachfront. It also means that if you are buying property as an investment, this ongoing large-scale investment will protect the value of your property, increasing the potential of good return. Yucatan Real Estate

is one of several markets which is seeing the ongoing benefits of this investment.

One example of the heavy infrastructure focus is the highway projects underway in Mexico. A report in early 2010 indicated that Mexico was building 10 new highway projects in the bidding process during 2009 making it the most active highway-building nation in the world, above the U.S., which had 9, and Brazil with 6. The ever strengthening tie between the NAFTA nations (Mexico, U.S. and Canada) made it the number one region in the world for total highway projects. For thee 2007-2012 period a total of about $250 million was planned for major infrastructure (federal highways, oil, electricity, telecommunications and water) and by the end of 2009, $100 million had already been invested.

These numbers mean that Mexico's economy is continuing to strengthen at a healthy rate, recovering from the recession of recent years. For Americans and Canadians considering real estate purch ase, the strength of the economy means that all the benefits of living on a beautiful beach will be supported by excellent activities, and top-quality services, such as international stores and up-to-date health care.

One area within the Yucatan peninsula where the government of Mexico has paid special attention is Cancun. Cancun has recently received a multi-million dollar investment of new beaches, a second runway for its international airport to help convert the city into an international travel and business convention hub. To celebrate Mexico's bi-centennial, a new park is being built in the downtown, with a new city hall and cathedral; the park will include statues of the heroes of the war of Independence (as well as the Revolution, which took place 100 years later), walkways, benches, playgrounds and underground parking. Each of these items brings direct benefit to Cancun Real Estate buyers in terms of lifestyle and of convenience for travel to and from home.

Cancun is just one example of cities which have been receiving a large amount of investment, both within the Yucatan Peninsula, and in other parts of Mexico; the government of Mexico realizes the benefit of internation al tourism and real estate investment for the nation's economy and it continues to focus a large amount of funds on these areas.

So, if you're looking for a way to find a new home on the beachfront, in a place where costs are much lower than back in the U.S., but you still enjoy top-quality services and infrastructure, consider buying real estate in Mexico.

Export market development as an opportunity for growth

The cooling of the economy has led companies and corporations to scale back their business efforts significantly. Service suppliers and manufacturers have found themselves in an increasingly competitive landscape as they contend with both foreign and domestic rivals for new business opportunities. However many business are ignoring vast untapped opportunities for export of their products and services to foreign markets. Many companies disregard or ignore markets outside the NAFTA zone due to the complexity and risks associated with the export process; however this need not be the case. There are many firms and consultancies both large and small that can guide corporations through the complexities of international trade. Export management companies act as export departments for non-competing manufacturers or producers; they handle all aspects of the foreign trade process and may even at times buy the goods directly from the producer and take title to it, in the process elim inating or reducing the risk to the supplier. Specialized consultancies and Professional Services firms also offer an avenue into foreign markets by providing training, logistics expertise, market research and dataas well as business development expertise to clients therefore easing market entry issues.
The U.S government is also keen to promote American products and services abroad, while this is not a new paradigm it has taken a new dimension as export promotion has been identified as one of the avenues to job growth. The government hopes to "double exports over the next five years, an increase that will support two million new jobs in America," this is coupled with the launch of the National Export Initiative to help companies market their wares overseas. There are also a host of other government and semi-independent agencies that are geared towards export growth and financing, some of the links to them can be found here (/content/agencies).
Export market dev elopment and international trade should definitely be looked into for any company wanting to create new avenues for growth and profit making. The opportunities are their, the markets are ripe and the support is available, all that is left is the implementation.

Managing Organizational Conflicts with ADR Systems

Public and private entities worldwide are increasingly using conflict management and dispute resolution procedures as a standard way of handling a wide variety of costly and disruptive conflicts, from legal or quasi-legal cases to workplace struggles to simple product and service complaints. Practical guidelines for designing and redesigning dispute resolution systems are increasingly necessary if organizations are to adapt effectively.
Broadly framed, the purpose of ADR system design is to develop effective processes to prevent, manage, and resolve claims, conflicts, and disputes. The challenging part in any system design is to determine what will be �effective' in any given situation. Much of what makes a system effective is its ability to satisfy the goals of the stakeholders who are using, administering and affected by the system. One of the key benefits in ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution) system design is the ability to find effective ways to prevent dispute s and to minimize the severity and cost of the disputes that still occur.
One of the great dangers, particularly in the private sector, is that dispute resolution processes will be developed that reflect the mandate of the implementing organization but that ignore or minimize core goals/concerns of users and other stakeholders. This would be less of a concern if not for the fact that many private sector organizations can effectively impose their system, so they are not required to seek broad input. Modifying dispute systems without proper design processes, however, can create significant costs, tension, and pushback from stakeholders affected by the systems in question, and limit the usefulness of the system ultimately implemented. Customers using such systems are already in a conflict of some kind, and they become further frustrated with the organization in charge if they feel the system is biased against them. The cost of dealing with dissatisfied customers in an adv ersarial setting is high on both sides, with one of the primary costs to the organization being the lost time and stress.
ADR Systems come in various forms, each with its own challenges, including:
� Intra-Organizational Systems that apply to stakeholders within a single organization, and over which that organization has full control, such as an internal workplace grievance procedure at a single company.
� Extra-Organizational Systems that apply to stakeholders external to a single organization, but over which that single organization has full control, such as many governmental systems like workers compensation claims procedures. � Inter-Organizational Systems apply to two or more organizations, with no one organization having unilateral control. Examples include nation-to-nation treaties like NAFTA, or inter-corporate agreements like the CPR Banking Industry DR protocols.
� Trans-Organizational Systems are used by two or more organizations and apply not only to those organizations but to other external stakeholders as well, such as the IDAC system administered by ADR Chambers (e.g. all signatory companies handle client complaints through a single dispute resolution system).

Organizations around the world, both governmental and private sector, are actively incorporating alternative dispute resolution (ADR) processes like mediation, negotiation, coaching, arbitration etc. into their methods for handling claims, conflicts and disputes (Ury et al. 1988; Wildau et al. 1993; Moore 1994; Costantino and Merchant 1996; Stitt 1998; Rowe 1997; SPIDR 2000; Bingham and Pitts 2002; Bertschler 2004; Katz Jameson and Johnson 2004; Bingham et al. 2009).
Having worked on a broad range of system design projects (from legal, to workplace, to contractual issues, and both public and private sector), the Stitt Feld Handy Group has a wealth of experience on which to draw in helping guide organizations through the system design process. There are 5 broad phases of system design, which vary in complexity and importance from one project to another, but which should be part of any system design project. The five phases, which are described in more detail below, in clude:
� Phase I: Clarify Mandate
� Phase II: Diagnosis
� Phase III: Design
� Phase IV: Implementation
� Phase V: Evaluation, Monitoring and Improvement
This classification is task-based, and in actuality there may be loopbacks or overlaps between the phases. It is not unusual, for example, to be laying the groundwork for Implementation (by lining up possible monitoring processes and personnel) even before the Design is fully approved. An experienced system design professional can help identify what tasks are most appropriate to the system design project in question- which stakeholders to consult, what questions to ask, what design options to consider and why, etc.
In a world of expanding ADR processes, the future of such ADR system design projects involves organizations increasingly a) borrowing from other successful systems to put such processes in place; and b) in ADR mature organizations, refining the systems already in place by ongoing improvement after monitoring and evaluation. The importance of these changes in saving money and generating greater stakeholder satisfaction should not be underestimated. In one case, for example, the implementation of mediation into a grievance procedure saved millions of dollars in system costs by significantly reducing the number grievance arbitrations and related lost time from work. The earlier cases can be resolved, generally the less entrenched parties become in their views, and the more likely that relationships can be salvaged, which is a key factor in avoiding poisoned workplaces.
Flexibility in the system allows it to adjust to the range of conflicts faced. In another corporate example that SFHG worked on, the use of mediation and other interest-based processes was tailored to the company's circumstances by using HR staff as mediators (to save costs) but using HR staff from a different "neutral" location (to increase the appearance of neutrality and fairness), with the option for using external mediators in certain high sensitivity cases such as sexual harassment (when the need for neutrality was highest and justified the additional cost).
Understanding the underlying concerns of the stakeholders helps focus efforts on optimal strategies. In a third project, our consultation with the client revealed that arbitration decisions were both expensive and ultimately hard to enforce. The losing party would return to the workplace and flaunt the decision. Brainstorming ideas with the key stakeholders led to the design of a peer review process that was less costly, incorporated greater knowledge of the context, and had the added benefit of a built in enforcement mechanism (peer pressure when back at work).
With the growing use of ADR processes in a variety of sectors, public and private, comes the need for practical guidance on effective dispute resolution system design. While every system design project is different , a coherent model to approach the design process provides helpful guidance to administrators at organizations contemplating system changes. There is clearly value to be had in reducing the number, duration and severity of conflicts. The question is how to secure that value without creating further costs and challenges, and an experienced ADR system designer can help answer that question.

Feel free to contact me at if you have any questions about ADR system design.

Mexico Real Estate and Globalization ? Growing Opportunities

While often the word "globalization" sounds threatening, this recent change in the world has actually opened exciting new opportunities for the average American or Canadian; one of these opportunities is in Mexico Real Estate, either to live in a cheaper, warmer place, or to invest and earn money. The good thing about globalization is that it allows you to do this more easily, and more profitably.

Everyone knows that during the past decade globalization has changed the world in a faster and more profoundly than any economic shift before. The part that we always hear about is is that globalization, in the larger picture, means that multinational corporations can design, manufacture, test and sell products each in different parts of the world, where ever it is most profitable for them.

The good news is that it means virtually the same thing for average middle class citizens; if you know where too look, you too can take advantage of the new globalizing world to save money and make money. Mexico real estate provides some excellent opportunities to do this.

One option is that you can now choose to live in another place, and work and make a living in another place � over the internet. From your Mexico Condo on the beachfront, you could, work, communicate, and have meetings, all within the view of the beach and ocean.

Mexico provides a low cost of living, and at the same time a high quality of life, excellent health care and safety - yes, that's right, safety; despite sensationalist news reports, Mexico is actually considerably safer than most Central and South American countries, and even than most large American cities. While cheaper places do exist, they may not be worth the quality of life you are loosing. With the outcomes of NAFTA, Mexico has balanced affordable real estate and living prices with quality of life in a way that few other places come close to.

If you don't have a job where you can investigate your options. Perhaps your company has post available in Mexico; the world is globalizing quickly, and opportunities to work abroad turn up more and more often.

Maybe you have stable, comfortable job back home, and you're not really interested relocating. This is the other side of globalization; you can work and live in the U.S. or Canada, while you make money in M exico. Investing in Mexico real estate can be profitable, either as a side income, or as a way to make a life-long living.

Mexico Land on the beachfront, for example, can be found in up-and-coming tourist areas for very accessible prices, where improved lots are likely to increase in value significantly as the promising tourism industry keeps catching on and growing.

Mexico condos can be bought and rented out to vacationers. Some buyers have started with one condo unit, and after seeing its success, buy another unit. Property management companies make renting out condos and homes in this manner relatively easy in well established tourist areas.

Of course, some buyers have successfully combined both. What could be better than making a living on Mexico real estate investment, while at the same time leading a relaxing life on the beachfront? But the best part about globalization is that it allows you to choose. Mexico has never been better to invest and ear n money from a distance.

TOPMexicoRealEstate.com; Mexico's Leading Network of Specialists for Finding and Purchasing Mexican Properties Safely

Yucatan Real Estate ? Retirement in Mexico at its Best

When you think of Mexico Retirement Communities, which place names come to mind? Maybe Lake Chapala or Puerto Vallarta? While these are excellent retirement choices, you may also wish to consider Yucatan Real Estate, especially in the capital of Merida for your retirement.

Merida, a city of 800,000 people, is a beautiful colonial city that is full of culture, history and activity, but where retirees can still relax and enjoy a worry-free retirement with all their necessities nearby.

The colorfully painted homes and 2 or 3 storey buildings line narrow roads, which run in a perfectly straight line through the old city. In the colonial city center, you're likely to see a horse drawn carriage or bicycles blended in with cars and modern transportation, to hear traditional music and to find great opportunities to try local food.

Merida is also home to the largest population of Mayan people; walking through the streets of Merida, you will have a very good chance of hearing people speaking Mayan as their day to day language, with Spanish as the main language. The city was originally Mayan, established in the 13th century, and abandoned by the Mayans before the Spanish arrived in the 16th century, renaming the city Merida after the city in Spain.

In the touristic colonial center, many people also speak English, and are very willing to help new residents find their way around. Near the city's main attractions, police booths also include pamphlets and information in English.

The city is clean, picturesque and very safe. On Sundays the old folks get together to dance in the city square, and the young people gather in the parks. For a retiree, this relaxing style of life in a year-round warm climate is ideal.

But don't imagine that Merida is a backwards city, stuck in the past; the real, living culture of the old city is the heart of a thriving metropolis which includes all kinds of communities, property types, a diverse economy and many, many activities and services.

Nearby golf courses, live music, jazz concerts, art shows � both traditional and modern � close access to the touristy beachfront (or a only a little further to more isolated beaches, if that appeals more to you) are only a few of the activities for retirement in Yucatan's capital.

Because of NAFTA, living in Mexico has come to offer many of the same conveniences of living in the U.S. or Canada, and Merida more so than most parts of the country. The metropolitan area also includes modern shopping malls, new large-screen movie theaters, and international restaurants. Health care is among the best in this part of the world, drawing residents from central America. The city is also planning on investing directly into retirement-focused facilities in the near future, making retirement even more attractive here.

And what kind of property do you imagine for your retirement? A luxury beachfront condo, a beautiful single family home near a golf course, a traditional Mexican home in a Colonial neighborhood? Merida offers these and much more, all at prices more accessible than you might imagine.

Consider Merida for your retirement. It might just be the place for you.

TOPMexicoRea lEstate.com; Mexico's Leading Network of Specialists for Finding and Purchasing Mexican Properties Safely

How Did Mercedes Fare in 2009

The luxury car manufacturer Mercedes-Benz is a division of parent company Daimler AG. While Mercedes isn't a publicly traded company, their parent company Daimler AG is. During 2009, Mercedes-Benz cars and vans generated nearly 60% of parent company Daimler AG's total earnings. Daimler AG generated a total revenue of 119 billion dollars. It can be assumed that around 72 billion dollars of gross revenue was brought in by the Mercedes-Benz division in 2009. Mercedes sold 190,000 vehicles in the U.S. in 2009. What Car? magazine awarded the S-Class the Best Luxury Car Award in 2009. The Mercedes S-Class was also the best selling car for Daimler AG in 2009. This is no surprise, as the Mercedes-Benz S-Class has been number one in the luxury segment every year since 1965. The S-Class currently holds a worldwide market share of more than 36 percent, with over 3.6 million units sold worldwide. Daimler AG sells primarily in Western Europe and the NAFTA region, which includes Mexico, Canada, and the United States.
In 2009, Daimler AG received 46% of it's total revenue from Western Europe, and 21% from the United States. The Mercedes-Benz R-Class was one of the worst selling models of 2009 for Mercedes-Benz, a model that has had a tough time selling since it's release in 2005. The main reasons for the R-Class not selling well are its unconventional looks, paired with an over the top price tag in a crossover category that is often overlooked. The DOW stock DAI rose 40% in 2009 and has been steady in 2010. In 2009, Mercedes-Benz made available for sale the BlueHYBRID S400 saloon, the first production automotive hybrid in the world to use a lithium-ion battery. Also in 2009, a new line of BlueZERO were introduced at the 2009 North American International Auto Show.

Biggest Threat to America's Future - The U.S. Free Trade Deficit - Key Facts

Warren Buffett has been quoted as saying, "The U.S trade deficit is a bigger threat to the domestic economy than either the federal budget deficit or consumer debt and could lead to political turmoil...". No economic issue today is more pressing than the U.S. Trade Deficit. This predicament should be America's top priority. It is also a key reason why we have high unemployment. Yet most people in America do not understand this Silent Killer or what they can do about it. Even most economists are very defensive of our free trade policy, yet none of them can defend free trade's 1000 pound Gorilla in the room" the U.S. yearly trade deficit. This article will outline the frightening facts and provide the reader with a number ways to make their voice heard to congress in an effort to create change on this U.S. economic crisis in favor of Fair and Equal Trade.

Here are important key facts on why the Trade Deficit now threatens our future:

1) First and foremost, there is absolutely no history that shows that any country including the U.S. can long sustain large yearly trade deficits without putting its future at risk. However, there are instances where empires have fallen due to trade deficit failures including the 17th Century Spanish Economy and a trade deficit was partially responsible for the fall of the Great Roman Empire .

2) In the last 10 years the trade deficit has averaged $0.55 trillion. The U.S. Trade Deficit since 1971 is over $7.5 trillion and $6.5 trillion in just the last 20 years. By comparison, the national debt is now about $13 trillion.

3) This year the current trade deficit through May is $0.170 trillion on track for about $0.4 trillion. It's only lower than average due to the lingering modern recession. The NAFTA (from 1993 through 2003) free trade agreement displaced a reported 879,280 jobs. Since the entrance of China, the U.S. has lost another 2.4 million jobs. The two combine for about 3.5 million total jobs lost due to the free trade policy allowing for these large deficits. This number is growing as more and more outsourcing is occurring. Last year 60% of the U.S. trade deficit was with China.

4) The free trade deficit profits have allowed foreigners to buy up America. According to the Grant Thornton report, "total assets at foreign-owned companies increased 15% to $9.2 trillion in 2005 from $8.0 trillion a year earlier and was more than three times the 1996 total of $3 trillion. Foreign-owned assets totaled just $37 billion in 1971".

5) Foreign-owned companies in the United States have a work force of about 5.3 million, or some 3.5% of all workers. According to the last note (2005), they owned 15% of all U.S. businesses but only employ 3.5% of the workforce. Extrapolating this to 100% ownership (that we are on a crash course for) this would only equate to 25% employment in the U.S. This is our future.

6) Most of the U.S. trade deficit is with China and their ownership is the largest share of U.S. businesses and debt. Thus the U.S. is slowly being sold mostly to China from trade deficit profits dollars obtained from U.S. consumers.

7) The U.S. has a national debt crisis of about $13 Trillion. However with the massive trade deficit job losses, this author estimates lost tax revenues of about $1 trillion dollars. Thus the trade deficit contributes significantly to our national debt. Free trade is really not free!

8) We have a viscous cycle, we outsource jobs, increase unemployment, this creates tax losses, the U.S. goes further into debt from these lost tax revenues, the U.S. must then sell more treasury bonds to China and foreigners, consumers are forced to purchase more and more foreign imports with few U.S. made alternative products, this enables foreign to make huge trade deficit profits, which allows them to purchase more U.S. businesses and debt, foreign owned business pay far less taxes then U.S. equivalent businesses and hire fewer American employers, this creates higher unemployment and more tax losses, and the cycle continues.

9) Economic global greed is excessive; the U.S. free trade policy encourages foreigners to cheat as every country wants a piece of America. Well known is unethical trade deficit problems related to: Currency manipulation by U.S. trading partners, 2) Excessive Job outsourcing by U.S. businesses, 3) Product subsidies by foreign governments, 4) Unfair non tariff trade barriers by our trading partners, 5) Lack of intellectual property rights protection, and 6) Product counterfeiting.

10) Because of these massive trade deficit tax losses, this is like a reverse tariff that U.S. citizens must pay on trade deficit goods. These lost revenues cause increase tax programs. Every citizen must pay more taxes which means in part we are actually supporting all the unethical foreign greed issues cited above.

Finally the U.S. trade deficit is not just unethical, it is unconstitutional. The subtle reason why it violates U.S. constitutional law is fully explained at the website, CitizensForEqual Trade dot org.What the reader can do. There are a number of organizations that are trying to force congress to act on the trade deficit. Here are some websites:

1) here you can sign a petition to support Equal Trade. This is the only website that is currently trying to force legislation for Equal Trade by acting on a Constitutional violation. This site believes the only way to get congress to act is by bringing this matter through the Supreme Court. Other sites below are working for fair trade. However, because of economic greed, forced Equal Trade is most likely necessary.

2) / This is the Coalition for a Prosperous America. They currently have two petitions one currently working on the issue of currency reform and the other to fix America's economy. These petitions are worth signing as well.

3) / This site supports the TRADE act for fair trade.

4) / This site has numerous articles on the issues of the trade deficit. It is very educational.

All the above organizations need your support. Please take the time and support these petitions.

Five Crucial Crm System Trends That All Businesses Should Know

While most businesses already think that customers have a big say in the sales, the crm management scene is expected to seriously provide customers with much more power than they ever expected. This is because of the confluence of three vital forces namely the internet, globalization and rapid developments in India as well as China. Globalization is one tide, which cannot be stopped. The spectrum of global trade will see many new developments and various initiatives from organizations like NAFTA, EU as well as WTO will see huge influence and rapid expansion of trade worldwide.

The online world has seriously shaped and influenced the way customers buy these days. With social networking and social shopping becoming the norm, information and product reviews, customer service levels, customer relationship management, prices etc. all will be freely available for all customers to see.

The rapid growth and expansion of countries like India and China as service and manufacturing bases respectively also indicate that there will be many more affluent consumers in these countries, which entails that crm system implementation will see a rapid demand in such countries as well.

With customers having many choices compared to before, companies with good business automation as well as quick and efficient customer management are sure to thrive.

Personal Commitment

The future of crm systems indicates that employees will begin to take this aspect of customer relationship management as a personal commitment. With more companies realizing the importance of the frontline workers in shaping lead management, an increasing number of companies will chalk out incentives for such employees.

Competitive Advantage

More companies will begin to realize that to get competitive advantage through their crm systems, they need to work backwards starting from customer experience to the processes, which go into it to make this possible. The key lies in enhancing business automation with more integrated crm solutions, which facilitate integrated functionality.

More Growth

One of the other big trends in the crm solutions segment is that this industry is expected to see an exponential growth in the coming years. It is anticipated that the crm systems industry will experience a growth rate between five and ten percent every year. Hence, you can expect many more crm solutions for small business over the next couple of years.

Strategic Use Of Technology

In terms of innovation within crm solutions, core processes already have sufficient amount of business automation and so a reinvention of SFA may not be required really. Instead, there will be a greater amount of integration amongst customer management systems to provide customers the experience they are looking for. An increasing number of business analytics applications will focus on real time information transmission thereby helping better decision making.

The Reasons Individuals Decide On Studying The Spanish Dialect Instead Of Portuguese

The times are shifting from when residing in the United States an individual does not need to know a different dialect besides English. The reason a person should learn Spanish language tends to be currently growing in importance due to globalization and the need to interact with folks from different places. On account of NAFTA as well as additional factors, United States people happen to be deciding on the Spanish language for another dialect.

One reason for learning Spanish tends to be the fact this dialect happens to be spoken by approximately 397 million individuals worldwide. Spanish is the language of choice within more than 20 nations. Around 50% of the people in the South, North and Central America comprehends the language. Most people in Latin America uses the Spanish dialect. In The United States, it happens to be the next more widely communicated language following the English language.

Specifically within Europe and the Western Hemisphere, understanding the Spanish language will provide folks with useful talents concerning both their business and everyday lives. Aside from the English language, Spanish usage leads different dialects by a huge amount within the U.S.. Furthermore, people speaking Spanish within the United States tends to be growing plus happens to be becoming more extensive within the total American populace yearly.
Individuals desire to learn Spanish language seeing as Canada and the U.S. complete so many company transactions with the Latin American countries. Also, one will find additional work options within this particular economy in which speaking two languages is helpful to their working profession. Acquiring knowledge of a foreign dialect tends to be more important to remain competitive in the world today.

The language happens to be becoming significant in the media sectors which presents still another reason to study the Spanish dialect. As an example, in New York the two Spanish stations generally have better rankings than the three major television channels of ABC, CBS and NBC. Concerning the Web community, approximately nine % of people speak Spanish, after English, Japanese and German.

Additionally, Spanish happens to be spreading throughout America. This particular dialect is getting popular in regular activities. As for instance, ATMs supply dire ctions in the Spanish dialect plus quite a few automated phone systems furnish their options utilizing Spanish or else English. Those situations are more reasons acquiring knowledge of Spanish tends to be getting very advantageous not just in the US, but also on earth these days.

In case an individual is planning a trip to European nations, then it is beneficial to learn Spanish language previous to their trip. Being a romance dialect, it assists in bridging any communication gaps between folks who communicate using different romance languages, a significant factor around European nations. After one becomes fluent in a single romance language, one will find it a great deal easier to become proficient in additional foreign dialects on account of common characteristics concerning structure and grammar.

Mexico Real Estate ? Living in Relaxation, Before Retirement

Wouldn't it be nice to buy some Mexico real estate, and enjoy a relaxing lifestyle on the beachfront, or in a beautiful, colonial city? "Of course it would," you might answer, "but even if can afford the property, I still need some money to live on." While this is definitely true, there are a variety of options available to earn money while living in Mexico, enjoy a low cost of living, and keep your savings in tact.

Finding a property for just about any budget in Mexico is certainly not a problem. An experienced agent will be able to guide to real estate which fits your budget, and is in a reasonable location, with the services you need nearby. And the cost of living in Mexico is really cheap; but if you need funds to keep savings in tact for later, or if you're worried that retirement savings won't stretch quite far enough, the strength of the Mexican economy, and widespread access to the internet allow you to earn money to enjoy the comfortable life Mexico offers.

If you are in a position to invest, real estate itself offers a very viable option. Buying real estate to rent to vacationers, or for long-term rentals can provide reliable and steady source of income. Mexico's economy has benefited considerably from the 2 decades of NAFTA. It has opened many possibilities for investments and businesses of many types, and an environment conducive to investment from non-Mexicans. Explore your options.

Whether you are investing or not, you may also wish to explore low-stress ways of bringing some additional income while you enjoy your new home in Mexico. The widespread use of internet has opened the possibility for many North Americans to work entirely from home. High-speed internet is also available in most locations in Mexico, opening the option of doing this same work from the beachfront, or from a beautiful lakeside town.

How can you make money over the internet? Many people have begun to run small consulting business over the internet, tutors now help their students over e-mail or using video chat, translators can receive their assignments by e-mail (have you ever imagined that you could translate German texts to English for a Japanese company, while living Mexico? - welcome to the good side of globalization!), magazine and news articles can written at home on the beach, and sent to an office in Texas, website, or even print magazine editors can work from other countries. These jobs can earn anywhere between $15 and $100 per hour. In some cases you can choose how much and how often you work. In all cases, this money will go much further here in Mexico that back home.

If you've been thinking about life in a warmer climate, where your money will go further, consider Mexico real estate, and explore your options to earn money here.

TOPMexicoRealEstate.com; Mexico's Leading Network of Specialists for Finding and Purchasing Mexican Properties Safely