Renewable Energy - North America (NAFTA) Industry Guide is an essential resource for top-level data and analysis covering the Renewable Energy industry in each of the North American Free Trade Agreement (United States, Canada, and Mexico) countries. The report includes easily comparable data on market value, volume, segmentation and market share, plus full five year market forecasts. It examines future problems, innovations and potential growth areas within the market.Scope of the Report * Contains an executive summary and data on value, volume and segmentation * Provides textual analysis of the industry's prospects, competitive landscape and profiles of the leading companies * Incorporates in-depth five forces competitive environment analysis and scorecards * Compares data from the US, Canada and Mexico, alongside individual chapters on each country. . * Includes a five-year forecast of the industryHighlights The NAFTA Renewable Energy market reaches a value of $81.1 billion in 2009. The US is the leading country among the NAFTA bloc, with market revenues of $42.2 billion in 2009 Mexico was the fastest growing country, with a CAGR of 9.7% over the 2005�2009 period.Why you should buy this report * Spot future trends and developments * Inform your business decisions * Add weight to presentations and marketing materials * Save time carrying out entry-level researchMarket Definition The renewable energy market consists of the consumption of electricity generated via geothermal, solar, wind and hydroelectric means, as well as through wood and waste combustion. google_ad_client="pub-2311940475806896";google_ad_slot="0098904308";google_ad_width=300;google_ad_height=250;Data are reported as net consumption as opposed to gross consumption. Net consumption excludes the energy consumed by the generating units. The volume of the market is calculated as the volume of electricity consumed (in billions of kilowatt hours, kWh), and the market value has been calculated according to average annual electricity prices. Any currency conversions used in the creation of this report have been calculated using constant 2009 annual average exchange rates. To know more about this report & to buy a copy please visit : /product/7428/Renewable-Energy-North-America-NAFTA-Industry-Guide.html
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Monday, November 11, 2013
Vision Shopsters: Renewable Energy - North America (NAFTA) Industry Guide
Renewable Energy - North America (NAFTA) Industry Guide is an essential resource for top-level data and analysis covering the Renewable Energy industry in each of the North American Free Trade Agreement (United States, Canada, and Mexico) countries. The report includes easily comparable data on market value, volume, segmentation and market share, plus full five year market forecasts. It examines future problems, innovations and potential growth areas within the market.Scope of the Report * Contains an executive summary and data on value, volume and segmentation * Provides textual analysis of the industry's prospects, competitive landscape and profiles of the leading companies * Incorporates in-depth five forces competitive environment analysis and scorecards * Compares data from the US, Canada and Mexico, alongside individual chapters on each country. . * Includes a five-year forecast of the industryHighlights The NAFTA Renewable Energy market reaches a value of $81.1 billion in 2009. The US is the leading country among the NAFTA bloc, with market revenues of $42.2 billion in 2009 Mexico was the fastest growing country, with a CAGR of 9.7% over the 2005�2009 period.Why you should buy this report * Spot future trends and developments * Inform your business decisions * Add weight to presentations and marketing materials * Save time carrying out entry-level researchMarket Definition The renewable energy market consists of the consumption of electricity generated via geothermal, solar, wind and hydroelectric means, as well as through wood and waste combustion. google_ad_client="pub-2311940475806896";google_ad_slot="0098904308";google_ad_width=300;google_ad_height=250;Data are reported as net consumption as opposed to gross consumption. Net consumption excludes the energy consumed by the generating units. The volume of the market is calculated as the volume of electricity consumed (in billions of kilowatt hours, kWh), and the market value has been calculated according to average annual electricity prices. Any currency conversions used in the creation of this report have been calculated using constant 2009 annual average exchange rates. To know more about this report & to buy a copy please visit : /product/7428/Renewable-Energy-North-America-NAFTA-Industry-Guide.html
Saturday, May 18, 2013
Global Crop Protection Industry Outlook to 2016 ? Bio-pesticides: The Next Generation Crop Protectio
The report titled �Global Crop Protection Industry Outlook to 2016 � Bio-pesticides: The Next Generation Crop Protection Product� provides a comprehensive analysis on the size of agrochemical market, herbicides, fungicide, insecticides and bio-pesticides, micro-nutrients and adjuvant segments. The report covers the sales of crop protection products across all the regions in the world with detailed coverage on Europe, Asia and NAFTA region and 9 countries including the US, Canada, India, China, Japan, Germany, France, Italy and Spain. The report provides the market share of leading players in all the regions in the generics and patented market along with the company profiles. The report also discusses about the future prospects and growth drivers expected to boost the global crop protection industry. Global The trajectory of the growth of the global crop protection industry has been based on frequent changes in the weather conditions, instability in the prices of agricultural commodities, skepticism amongst the farmers in the emerging nations about the usage of agrochemicals followed by lack of availability of liquidity to invest in agricultural inputs. However, in the recent past, the government initiative to support agricultural production in order to meet the rising demand for agricultural food products in nations such as India, China and several other Southeast Asian countries has encouraged the usage of agrochemicals in these parts of the region. The crop protection market in 2011 is valued at USD ~ billion with an appreciation for all categories of crop protection products such as herbicides, fungicides, insecticides and bio-pesticides and other environment friendly crop protection products throughout the globe. google_ad_client = "pub-2311940475806896"; /* 300x250, created 1/6/11 */ google_ad_slot = "0098904308"; google_ad_width = 300; google_ad_height = 250; The market in 2011, inclined by ~% of which Latin America witnessed a strong growth of ~% followed by Asia with a growth rate of ~%. This growth rate can be attributed to the strong crop prices and increasing demand for cotton and sugarcane across the world. The sales of patented products have inclined from USD ~ million in 2005 to USD ~ million in 2011 on account of increasing preference and growing awareness amongst the farmers in the world and the continuous introduction of innovative crop protection formulations. The generic crop protection products sales in the world has increased to USD ~ million in 2011 from USD ~ million in 2005 due to the rising preference for generic agrochemicals in the developing nations. Asia The crop protection market in Asia has grown at a CAGR of ~% from USD ~ million in 2005 to USD ~ million in 2011 due to the increasing population and government initiatives to support and increase the agricultural production to meet the requirement for food products in the region. The market in China accounted for about ~% of the global production capacity. In China, there are around 60 licensed �imidacloprid- insecticides� manufacturers with production capacity of ~ tons annually of which ~ tons are being produced every year accounting for exactly ~% of the global total output of �imidacloprid- insecticides�. The consumption of crop protection products in India has been majorly concentrated in the states such as Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Maharashtra and Haryana which together consume around ~% of the total crop protection products available for domestic consumption in 2011. In Japan during FY�2011, the sales of pesticides in the paddy crops increased by ~% to USD ~ million as compared to USD ~ million in FY�2010. During the same period, the insecticides sales for the application in paddy crops increased by ~% to USD ~ million followed by ~% growth in the sales of fungicides, ~% growth in insecticides/fungicides and ~% increase in the sales of herbicides. Europe The crop protection industry in Europe is held by few of the major countries such as France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the UK. The market in France is the largest contributor to the overall sales of the crop protection products in Europe. In 2011, the sales of crop protection products in France were USD ~ million which is approximately ~% of the total sales of the European crop protection market. Unlike all other countries in Europe, fungicides dominated the overall pesticides market of Italy in 2011. This segment of the market has witnessed a steady growth throughout the period from 2005-2011 other than the decline in the sales of crop protection products in 2006 and 2008. In 2011, the fungicides contributed approximately ~% of the total pesticide sales in Italy. In 2011, the market grew by ~% to USD ~ million as result of ~% incline in the sales of herbicides, ~% in fungicides, ~% in insecticides and ~% in bio-pesticides as compared to the previous year. NAFTA The crop protection market in NAFTA is one of the major industries in the region. Over the years the crop protection market in the region has experienced range of activities on account of several regulations and measures laid by the Environmental Protection Agency and other pesticides control agencies to restrict the usage of harmful pesticides in the crop fields and the food products. The market in the US is dominated by the herbicides segment which contributed around ~% of the total sales of crop protection products in the US. Even though the herbicides usage in the agricultural farms of the US has declined to ~% in 2011 from ~% in 2005, herbicides continue to be majorly used agrochemical in the country. The crop protection market in NAFTA is majorly concentrated amongst few of the major producers who contribute around ~% of the total sales of the crop protection products in NAFTA. In 2011, Syngenta contributed around ~% of the total sales of crop protection products in NAFTA. The company has continued its dominance in the market in NAFTA with period improvement in the inventory level in the distribution channels and impelling demand for its herbicides products for corn and soybean. Key Topics Covered in the Report: The market size of the Global Crop Protection Industry and its segments such as herbicides, insecticides, fungicides and bio-pesticides, micro-nutrients and adjuvant. The market size of the crop protection market in the five regions such as Europe, Asia, Latina America, NAFTA and Middle East and Africa Market segmentation of crop protection markets in regions such as Europe, Asia and NAFTA on the basis of sales of crop protection products such as herbicides, insecticides, fungicides and bio-pesticides Trends and Development of the Global crop protection market. Competitive landscape and a detailed company profile of the major producers of crop protection products in the world, Europe, Asia and NAFTA. Competitive landscape of major producers of generic and patented crop protection products in the world. Future outlook and projections of crop protection products- herbicides, fungicides, insecticides and bio-pesticides, micro-nutrients and adjuvant on the basis of sales in three regions such as Europe, Asia and NAFTA. For more information, please refer to the link below: /report.php?A=259
Monday, May 6, 2013
Toys & Games - North America (nafta) Industry Guide
Toys & Games - North America (NAFTA) Industry Guide Toys & Games - North America (NAFTA) Industry Guide is an essential resource for top-level data and analysis covering the Toys & Games industry in each of the North American Free Trade Agreement (United States, Canada, and Mexico) countries. The report includes easily comparable data on market value, volume, segmentation and market share, plus full five year market forecasts. It examines future problems, innovations and potential growth areas within the market. Scope of the Report * Contains an executive summary and data on value, volume and segmentation * Provides textual analysis of the industry''s prospects, competitive landscape and profiles of the leading companies * Incorporates in-depth five forces competitive environment analysis and scorecards * Compares data from the US, Canada and Mexico, alongside individual chapters on each country. . * Includes a five-year forecast of the industry Highlights The NAFTA Toys & Games market reaches a value of $26654.5 million in 2009. The US is the leading country among the NAFTA bloc, with market revenues of $21923.7 million in 2009 Canada was the fastest growing country, with a CAGR of 12.5% over the 20052009 period. To know more and to buy a copy of your report feel free to visit : /detail.asp?id=156339&rt=Toys-Games-North-America-NAFTAIndustry-Guide.html Related Reports Global Toys & Games /detail.asp?id=148522&rt=Global-Toys-Games.html google_ad_client = "pub-2311940475806896"; /* 300x250, created 1/6/11 */ google_ad_slot = "0098904308"; google_ad_width = 300; google_ad_height = 250; China Sourcing Report Toys & Games /detail.asp?id=116656&rt=China-Sourcing-Report-Toys-Games.html Or Contact us at : Bharat Book Bureau Tel: +91 22 27578668 Fax: +91 22 27579131 Email: Website: Follow us on twitter: /3bbharatbook
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Codex Alimentarius - Part Four - What is Codex, Exactly?
Originally designed by military and business leaders from the pharmaceutical industry in Germany shortly after World War II, historically, Codex was evolved from a collection of standards and product descriptions for a wide variety of foods developed in the Austro-Hungarian Empire between 1897 and 1911. Austria subsequently pursued the creation of a regional food code, the "Codex Alimentarius Europaeus" between 1954 and 1958. In 1961 the Council of Codex Alimentarius Europaeus adopted a resolution proposing that its work on food standards be taken over by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO). Today's "Codex Alimentarius" was formed by the FAO of the United Nations World Health Assembly in 1963. In the mid-1990s Codex Alimentarius signed agreements with the World Trade Organization (WTO), enabling Codex to establish trade standards that the WTO would use to resolve international trade disputes. To explain, perhaps some Trade Agreement background is in order: Since 1947 the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) oversaw the multilateral trading system and the otherwise sovereign governments that signed GATT were known as "GATT Contracting parties." On January 1, 1995 the World Trade Organization (WTO) replaced the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT). Upon signing the new WTO agreements, including the updated GATT agreements the "GATT Contracting Parties" now became officially known as "WTO Members" which was actually based on some of the principles that actually underline the current European Union. As of July 23, 2008, the WTO has a total membership of 153 countries including the United States who signed on as a member in 1995. google_ad_client = "pub-2311940475806896"; /* 300x250, created 1/6/11 */ google_ad_slot = "0098904308"; google_ad_width = 300; google_ad_height = 250; As already pointed out, in the mid-1990s, Codex Alimentarius signed agreements with the WTO, which enabled Codex to establish trade standards that the WTO would use to resolve international trade disputes. In summary then we have (1) the EU Food Supplements Directive, now law throughout Europe and in various stages of clarification, finalization and implementation; (2) Codex Alimentarius adopting these laws as "guidelines and standards" that each nation should aspire to, but are actually supported by legal obligations contained within a number of international trade agreements signed by the governments of numerous countries outside of Europe, including the U.S. Note: Links to all documentation available at the WINHS.ORG web site Stay tuned for Part Five: "Are all WTO member countries obligated to follow Codex Standards and Guidelines?"
Thursday, March 7, 2013
How To Get Easy Temporary Work Visa
Unfortunately, the application of temporary visas, work visas for a more complex process. Before a person may apply for any type of work visa,they must have the approval of their employer a copy of the letter. Employers of foreign workers who apply for services, submit an application and application letter. This program is reviewed and the Department of Homeland Security United States Citizenship and Immigration ServicesUSCIS article.) Or may reject the application. Qualifications: temporary work visa is limited to professionals and their preferred high-skilled workers. Once your application has beengranted by the employer, you can submit an application for a visa. As with any visa application must be in good health, free from communicable disease, could you support yourself while in the United States of America and holds a valid passport. You'll also be able to demonstrate thatyou have strong ties to their home country. Documentation: Basic documentation for a visa as your birth certificate, photo ID vaccination card, proof of fiscal responsibility, andsometimes provide evidence of their homes. You also have your employer's approval letter attached to your copy of the application. If you planto bring your family, each member must submit their documents. Visa Length: how long you will be allowed to stay in the United States will depend on the type of work visa that you get. Sports andEntertainment Group is usually only one year. Qualified and professional staff may be approved for a visa with the extensions can be valid for seven years. google_ad_client = "pub-2311940475806896"; /* 300x250, created 1/6/11 */ google_ad_slot = "0098904308"; google_ad_width = 300; google_ad_height = 250; Most of the work visa issued to a two-year stay. Denial: most of the work visa denials, the burden is due to the lack of home-country ties. It is the responsibility of the person to prove thatthey want to go home. Even if the applicant is approved for a work visa, border and customs agents may deny arrival. Border and customs agency to make the final decision on these issues. Taxation: The type of work visa, you apply will cost. All fees must be submitted in the application and is non-refundable. Additional charges may include a medical examination and fingerprinting. Private companies that help individuals through the application process takes no extracharge for a work visa application fee. Contact USCIS comprehensive list of all the visa fees. Work with your employer to navigate a complex process, it may be cheaper than trying to gain their temporary visa for their work. He NAFTA TN Visa allows qualified non-immigrant status in Canada and the Mexican nationals who wish to obtain legal employment in the United States. Because it is relatively simple and inexpensive process, the preferred U.S. TN visa work visa, Canadians and Mexicans. TN NAFTA Visa requirements Your request for TN NAFTA visa will be processed and delivered by hand to the right of entry to the U.S. port or wall, and require the following documents: � Proof of Canadian Citizenship � Letter from U.S. employer stating your employment information � A professional qualification to support your work file Although the requirements may be benign enough, your application should also be enough to prove that you have prepared in advance to work with the U.S. employer. For your profession should also be given for TN status, and you're going to fill the position also requires a NAFTA professional. Eligible Occupations TN status of a branch of the North American Free Trade Agreement, which provides a special economic and trade relations between Canada, the United States and Mexico. In part, this is to open up employment opportunities in key occupations in the United States in TN NAFTA visa classification. Among relevant professions � Medical and Allied Health � General professions such as accounting, architecture and so on. � Teachers � Scientists Non-immigrant status Confirmation of your TN Visa is very important to show that you have no intention of remaining U.S. permanently. You have to show their relations with Canada and the desire to get back on your TN visa status expires. Many people are often unable to provide for this requirement,and their application denied. TN Visa and Green Card renewal Home TN NAFTA visa allows one to three years of legal stay in the United States, but it can be extended for as long as you need to work in theUnited States. Renewal process TN visa service centers and may require more paperwork. Even as it does not allow immigration intent, to get a green card, TT visa holders option. The process is often very detailed and can cause alot of stress if done right. If You Ask for legal aid? Yes, it is highly recommended to consult with an experienced TN status of your immigration attorney. Immigration lawyer should be able toevaluate their arguments, to identify potential roadblocks, coach you how to deal with the immigration personnel and prepare the evidence tosupport their request. It is especially important if you feel that you have previous denials, the U.S. citizen relatives, deliberately clear immigration and other barriers, such as a complex case.
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